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label:SOUL CLAP (US)


A1. Vocal Training
A2. Missing You
B1. Last Song Of The Dance
B2. Last Song Of The Dance feat. PillowTalk (Tanner Ross & Deniz Kurtel Remix)


Written in an outdoor studio overlooking the Mallorcan countryside, Baby Prince (Wolf + Lamb's Gadi Mizrahi) and Crew Love newcomer Navid Izadi portray a moment of sun drenched inspiration on "The Last Dance EP".

The stage is set in the blinding heat of the Mediterranean summer where the Crew Love posse set up camp at a finca in St. Joan, Mallorca. An open ended studio visit extended to PillowTalk yielded the extraordinary talent of their ever rambunctious hype man, Navid Izadi who hungrily devoured studio time with Wolf + Lamb's Gadi Mizrahi aka Baby Prince as the PillowTalk boys maxed and relaxed. Written in an outdoor studio overlooking the countryside and signed in a heartbeat to Soul Clap Records, here's how The Last Dance EP went down in their words:

Baby Prince: " was the weekend when we had invited the PillowTalk crew and Navid to join us in the sun for some pool basketball, ham and wild BBQ's." Navid Izadi: "Basically I really wanted to go to Mallorca with the PT boys, as it was to be my first time really hangin with Gadi [Mizrahi] and Zev [Eisenberg] on a personal level since they picked up my Double Standard EP [Ain't Got The Time]."

BP: "I had heard of Navid and how talented he was from some friends and was really excited to work on music together." NI: "The first day (after some obligatory poolside/ BBQ action), Gadi and I got to talking about what kind of stuff we were into at the moment, which was pretty in line with one abother. I know Jamie Principle came up, some other old school house stuff etc. fun stuff, rough stuff, not overproduced or over-thought, mostly black stuff etc.... so the next day we took that and just started working together with the patented Soul Clap Ableton [LIVE] time sync method."

BP: "The process was super smooth as soon as we sat down to write tracks and three days later we had three tracks fully written and tracked out." NI: "The whole session went from about the time I woke up (around 1pm or 2pm) to about the time the sun went down, which I’d say was about four to five hours altogether. I think Sammy D was the only PillowTalk boy who wasn't sick/hungover/sleeping, and he hung out with us during the process, dropping his vocals when he saw fit (with no mic stand/pop screen, no less). It took a second to get him to not sing in his typically silky fashion and to get old school sleazy with it for "Last Song Of The Dance", but needless to say, he nailed it. Three tracks in one afternoon, with another day or two taken to track it all out and it was dunzo. The EP made itself!"

As if one mind-boggling new collaboration wasn't enough, the ‘Last Dance EP’ features a remix by fellow Crew Love members Tanner Ross and Deniz Kurtel who turn out an EFUNK meets hip-hop in outer space version of the title track.

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