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artist:DA POSSE




A. In the Heat of the Night (Vocal Mix)
B1. In the Heat of the Night (Acid Mix)
B2. In the Life (Keys Mix)


This is an exciting one for us, it has to be said. We're nearing our 200th Freerange release and in that whole time there's only been one rissue of a previously available track, that being Blackjoy's 'Untitled'. Almost ten years on and it's time to indulge ourselves once more by presenting you with two of our all time favorite house tracks, which incidentally both happen to be by Chicagoans Hula, Maurice Joshua, Martell Steward and Craig Simpkins - better known as Da Posse. Many of you will probably know 'In the Heat Of The Night' which was released on Future Records in 1988 and some of you might even have a copy on vinyl. If so then good for you because the original is currently changing hands for serious money because somewhat strangely there don't seem to have been any obvious edits or white labels of these particular Da Posse tracks and certainly no official re release on vinyl or digital. We hope you agree that with club music like this sounding every bit as mind blowing today as it did in 1988 it seems only right to help introduce such innovative, influential and timeless music to a wider audience. Opening up the release we have the Vocal Mix of 'In The Heat Of The Night' in all it's raw, stripped back beauty. In our opinion this has to be right up there at the pinnacle of Chicago house from the late 80's and certainly managed to make a huge impact four thousands miles away in Essex where Tom and myself discovered it aged seventeen. You only have to listen to tracks such as Steffi's Yours to hear the profound influence of tracks like this on modern house music. Flipping over we have the more laid back, late night affair known as In The Life in it's Keys Mix incarnation. This one gives a nod to Da Posse's counterparts over in Detroit with a rolling DX bassline but balancing out the cold, metallic minimalism with warm, soulful pads and chiming melodies. It's very easy to see how much of an impact this early 90's gem had on UK producers like Future Sound Of London and 808 State even though it went relatively under the radar at the time of its release. We really hope you enjoy these amazing tracks and supporters can look forward to fresh re edits from The Black Madonna, Parris Mitchell and Jimpster coming very soon.
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