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A1. Right 4 Me
A2. The Mysterious Island Of Dr Nimm
B1. Cirrus & Cumulus
B2. Der Stern, Der Nie Vergeht


Two years ago, as his first summer in Ibiza beckoned, Mark Barrott was heading off to bed one night when he had an idea for a track. That was the first track to feature the infamous Uruguayan Botanist Dr Nimm and spawned what ultimately became the first Sketches from an Island EP. Although International Feel are known for sometimes been a little mysterious and contrarian, that first EP was only a 300 press as Barrott didn't think that many people would be into what he called 'slow, weird music' turned out he was wrong, it sold out on the day of release and that coming winter, he hunkered down to work on what became last years acclaimed 'Sketches from an Island' LP, lauded by everyone from Terje to Trevor Jackson, it's evocative, melody driven atmospherics and beautiful birds of paradise artwork has taken on a life of it's own. He briefly broke cover again last winter with those Tuff City Kids for the Balearic classic 'Balanzat' and again in April this year, with the ultra deep 'Bush Society', but as soon as the first sunset of the year forms on the horizon, Barrott's thoughts always go back to his beloved Sketches project and he now returns with four new tracks for EP 3, again with beautiful artwork from Stevie Anderson. 'Right 4 me' feels like the natural successor to the sunshine in a bottle vibe of 'Baby Come Home' and he also revisits the bizarre world of Dr Nimm (this time via his Mysterious Island ). The polyrhythm's of 'Cirrus & Culumus' trace his love of Ghanan Music & Steve Reich and closing track 'der Stern, der nie vergeht' is reminiscent of every beautiful sunset you've never seen, blended with the delicate sounds of Roedelius and recontextualized for his Sketches world. Although now firmly entrenched in his Ibizan compound, this summer will see Barrott break cover to take up a residency at Harvey's Mercury Rising night at Pikes and also provide sunrise sounds at this years final Garden Festival, before decamping back to Ibiza to start work on the second Sketches from an Island LP.

A1. Right 4 Me

A2. The Mysterious Island Of Dr Nimm

B1. Cirrus & Cumulus

B2. Der Stern, Der Nie Vergeht
Sold Out

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