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artist:JANET KAY


label:LOCAL (UK)


A Eternally Grateful 4:23
B Eternally Dubful 3:59


Following on from the incredibly well received reissue of Rick Clarke’s sensuous Street Soul number ‘Love With A Stranger’, Local Records dust off the tapes once again to reissue a Brit Funk gem from Janet Kay. Originally released back in ’84, ‘Eternally Grateful’ encompasses the Brit Funk sound with a melting pot of styles that inspired the movement. Marrying Kay’s R&B infused vocals with a British flavoured boogie funk, jazzed up horns and a dubby bass, there’s a pop tinge that keeps things catchy and soulful in equal measure. Hold tight for those spiritual synth lines. Stratospheric stuff that will leave you feeling like you’ve been dancing in outer space. Like all the Local Records back catalogue, ‘Eternally Grateful’ was produced by the label's mastermind John Collins. He nestles a dub version on the flip side, full of space echo sweetness and cascading drums - giving the funk bass centre stage, primed and ready to fuel dancefloors and capture spirits all over again. Strap up the skates, it’s go time baby!

A Eternally Grateful 4:23

B Eternally Dubful 3:59

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