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artist:福居良(RYO FUKUI)


label:HMV (JPN)


A1.Mellow Dream (Ryo Fukui)
B1.Speak Low (Kurt Weill)
B2.Body And Soul (Johnny Green)
C1.Love For Sale (Cole Porter)
D1.Mr. P.C. (John Coltrane)
D2.My Foolish Heart (Victor Young)

PROJECT Re:Vinyl Series Ryo Fukui Trio RYO FUKUI TRIO / Live at Vidro'77 LIVE AT VIDRO'77 This is a completely unreleased live recording made on June 8, 1977. The recording was made at the Sapporo live house "Vidro" by Masataka Ito, the producer of Fukui's "Scenery" and "Mellow Dream". This is the performance of the Fukui Trio at that time, but at the same time, it has an overwhelming amount of heat and freshness that you don't find in studio recordings, and it is very exciting. Not to mention the brilliant 16-minute "Mellow Dream", the dynamic "Speak Low", the lustrous "Body & Soul", the galloping "Love For Sale", the profound "Mr. P.C.", and the spilling "My Foolish Heart". It was an amazing performance. At the time, excerpts from this show were approved by Trio Records headquarters, which led to the production of their second album, "Mellow Dream. It is a valuable source in every sense. Yusuke Ogawa (UNIVERSOUNDS/Deep Jazz Reality) The pleasure in listening to this was vast an unreleased trio recording by ryo fukui during these times of global pandemics this is the healing force we all need This is the healing force we all need The pleasure in listening to this was vast an unleased trio recording by ryo fukui during these times of global pandemics this is the healing force we all need. In this time of global pandemics, this is the healing force we all need. Gilles Peterson

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