GOT TO MOVE ON (7 inch)
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artist:S TONE INC

GOT TO MOVE ON (7 inch)

label:SCHEMA (ITA)


A. "(Got To) Move On" (feat Afra Kane - remix) (3:35)
B. "Rosa Da Ribeira" (feat Toco - remix) (3:43)

Stefano Tirone's career as S-Tone Inc stretches right back to the dawn of the 1990. Back then, he was joining the dots between deep house and acid jazz, but over the decades since he's settled in to a groove rooted in nu-jazz and soul. On this seven-inch, he revisits two tracks from his fine 2020 album Body & Soul. First, he re-imagines 'Move On', featuring vocalist Afra Kane, as a sumptuous chunk of disco-influenced dancefloor soul - all Chic style bass and guitars, hazy horns, lilting synth-strings and crunchy Clavinets - before reframing the Toco-voiced Latin number 'Rosa De Rebeira' as a warming chunk of samba-house loveliness.

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